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Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Wells Fargo Company
Presentation Wells Fargo Company was set up in 1852 in the city of San Francisco during dash for unheard of wealth period. Henry Wells and William Fargo concocted giving express cash conveyance benefits as methods for abusing dash for unheard of wealth adventure. The organization offers banking administrations and incredibly makes sure about its customer’s stores, an accomplishment that gains them notoriety as trustworthy company.Advertising We will compose a custom contextual analysis test on Wells Fargo Company explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Wells Fargo framed a system of promoting spreading over center points, for example, New York, New Jersey, Central America just as Pacific Ocean area. The expedited service business was anyway ended inferable from new advancements after First World War; the organization was later controlled by Norwest Corporation. Wells Fargo in its new arrangement takes an interest in food creation business just as film industry w hile as yet giving financial administrations to customers. The organization put resources into current innovation for the motivations behind propelling their financial administrations. They later got a financial organization known as Wachovia which was confronting closed down inferable from loses. Wells Fargo experienced development which has empowered extension of its activities to universal goals that highlight 130 nations around the world. Qualities One of the best resources controlled by Wells Fargo is its constancy nature particularly inside financial area. The organization has been set apart by customers as a solid substance which can be depended with important stores for safety's sake. The Company perceives consumers’ worth and as such places need and spotlight on taking care of clients’ needs satisfactorily, consequently empowering them to acknowledge fiscal additions. Additionally inside the Banking business, the association has grasped present day innovation for the reasons offering proficient types of assistance. Wells Fargo offers wide scope of administrations fit for boosting its capital and expands its income. The nearness of the business inside universal market in more than one hundred and thirty nations has empowered them investigate numerous different open doors inside their ventures. The association abuses its extraordinary picture in inside the worldwide market just as broad client associations with advance its goals. At Wells Fargo a clients are perceived as companions and lords, an approach that has empowered the association keep up its customer base even in during monetary crunch. As a rule, clients experience requirement for different administrations at specific phases of their lives; this incited Wells Fargo to structure their items in a manner that fulfills all buyer wants at various stages. They likewise cook for different clients speaking to assortment needs inside the market. Their Loans are moderate and pocket well di sposed as they center around empowering their customers to get more an incentive on capital.Advertising Looking for contextual investigation on business financial matters? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Customers are additionally ready to open up accounts with negligible in-puts. These records accompany offers on month to month accuses where people of standard stores are sooner or later excluded from installment of month to month expenses. Significant level of profound quality and respectability inside the organization in its connection with colleagues has additionally added to its development. With the conviction that an energetic network positively affects business, the organization has put resources into the network through gifts and good help. Shortcomings The monetary crunch adversely affected Wells Fargo in its different business tasks, since it was competent at the time they had procured Wachovia that was vigorously pa ying off debtors. The organization has encountered trouble in achieving a main situation in the business despite its overwhelming interests in innovation. Openings The organization stands to pick up from the universal piece of the pie attributable to its quality inside 130 nations. Its entrance into the European Market with around 36 outlets and resulting interests in up-coming markets, for example, the BRIC countries likewise puts it at a decent outlook to investigate accessible chances and advance its image. The assorted varieties in item and nature of clients’ presents a road for evaluating new items equipped for fulfilling client needs. By investigating the qualities of close market connections, there are signs that point to company’s social favorable circumstances. Dangers The numerous administrations that Wells Fargo offers to its customers have made the organization defenseless against danger from contenders. Such assortment additionally represents a hazard to t he whole profit for ventures. Minor contenders take steps to assume control over Wells Fargo piece of the pie attributable to their forte in specific speculations that structures just piece of the company’s item enhancement. It stays trying for Wells Fargo to work as pioneer inside the business inferable from this decent variety in the arrangement of administrations particularly while battling financial down turn. There is likewise the danger from the 2010 US Fiscal Legislation passed by the US congress that will keep down the company’s advancement. The ascent in non collecting credits in Wells Fargo combined with the diminishing of the equivalent in different Banks is taking steps to pull agents from the Company. SWOT investigation chart Internal Strengths †Dependable †utilization of present day innovation †Wide scope of administrations †Higher rate piece of the pie †Efficient client care Weaknesses - Higher obligation rate †Lack of profi cient authority inside market External Opportunities †Wide piece of the overall industry †Product decent variety Threats †Threat of contenders †Risk on whole profit for speculations - 2010 US Fiscal Legislation This contextual analysis on Wells Fargo Company was composed and presented by client Kailyn Phillips to help you with your own investigations. You are allowed to utilize it for exploration and reference purposes so as to compose your own paper; in any case, you should refer to it in like manner. You can give your paper here. Wells Fargo Company This article will examine various ways and circumstances of dissecting a company’s, gainfulness, supportability and its moving forward.Advertising We will compose a custom exposition test on Wells Fargo Company, Its Profitability, Sustainability and Moving Forward explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More The article is additionally going to feature various kinds of investigation and how they contrast from each other according to reason and productivity. The article will view Well Fargo’s examination. There are various circumstances, which lead to the company’s investigation. The organization may decide to survey different segments that establish to the entire organization for different purposes. One of the primary motivations behind leading an investigation on an organization is to decide its situation comparable to benefit. A company’s productivity is rarely stale; an organization is moving either forward or in reverse. An organization will never be at a similar situation according to productivity. There are various sorts of investigation; they contrast from each other with respect to reason and procedure. An examination will consistently have a one of a kind path through which it takes a gander at the subtleties introduced in the point of exploration. The SWOT arrangement of examination is one of the best techniques for dissecting a business association. The SWOT investigation features qualities, shortcomings, openings and dangers. Through this investigation an association is assessed into the fine subtleties. The company’s qualities can be found in the positioning it has gotten from widely acclaimed budgetary investigators. The organization is recorded as the best independent company loan specialist, best agrarian moneylender, second best obligation card guarantor, second best prime home-value bank, third best shared store supplier among the U.S. Banks. For example, the organization is the eighteenth most rega rded organization on the planet. This was a positioning built up by Barrons. Wells Fargo has been positioned as the seventeenth most gainful organization everywhere throughout the United States. The association has gotten the â€Å"Aaa†FICO assessment from Moody. The organization has a decent connection with the network, the clients, and the colleagues. The organization has been positioned as the 41st comparable to income in the United States. This positioning was given by the Fortune 500. Another zone where the company’s quality is shown is according to association. The company’s association structure is set up in a way that helps different divisions and branches to fill in as a solitary body. The Wells Fargo Bank has been set up as the principal bank in the United States starting at 2008 (Fradkin, 2002).Advertising Looking for paper on business financial matters? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The o rganization has two significant shortcomings. These shortcomings are introduced in terrible home loans and low charge card piece of the pie. One of the significant regions where different contenders beat this organization is corresponding to platinum cards. Though other budgetary establishments are centered around giving platinum cards to their clients, this organization has been deserted. For this reason, Wells Fargo has been continually loosing clients. The piece of the overall industry that the organization keeps on losing each other day where platinum cards are being utilized in the market is an escape clause through which contenders keep on getting a charge out of different advantages. The different shortcoming of the organization is comparable to awful home loans. As a loan specialist, there are contract issues that the organization keeps on confronting each day as the credit advertise keeps on encountering issues (Navarro, 2006). The open doors the organization is given, inco rporate diminished compe
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Pharmacology for Health Professionals
Question: Examine about the Pharmacology for Health Professionals. Answer: Presentation: There is probability of two dangers in Fazio because of utilization of these meds. These two dangers are gastrointestinal draining and hypotension. Draining may create in Fazio because of utilization of enoxaparin and anti-inflamatory medicine. There might be hypotension in Fazio because of utilization of metoprolol, perindopril and glyceryl trinitrate. Enoxaparin is endorsed as blood more slender in Fazio. This medication is managed subcutaneously for venous thromboembolism in Fazio. This medication demonstrations by official to the antithrombin and structures irreversible complex with it. This prompts the inactivation of coagulating facto Xa. Because of inactivation of this thickening component there is danger of seeping in Fazio. There are more odds of draining if enoxaparin is brought with different meds like warfarin, anti-inflamatory medicine, non-steroidal mitigating drugs (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen, naproxen and antiplatelet drugs. Fazio is expending headache medicine moreover. In addition, ibuprofen additionally has antiplatelet property. Henceforth, utilization of headache medicine alongside enoxaparin may prompt draining danger in Fazio (Xu et al., 2012; Sonoda et al., 2017). Anti-inflamatory medicine is recommended for relief from discomfort in the event of Fazio. Ibuprofen is non-steroidal mitigating class of medication. L ong haul utilization of anti-inflamatory medicine may prompt gastrointestinal draining danger. Anti-inflamatory medicine acts by hindering COX-1. Accordingly, there are odds of COX-2 upregulation for gastrointestinal tract guard. On the off chance that anti-inflamatory medicine is brought with other COX-2 inhibitors there are odds of gastrointestinal tract disintegration and dying (Huang et al., 2011; Iwamoto et al., 2013). Hypotension may create in Fazio because of utilization of glyceryl trinitrate . Glyceril trinitrate was endorsed for chest torment if there should be an occurrence of Fazio. This prescription can likewise be recommended for cardiovascular breakdown and hypertension. Glyceryl trinitrate was managed through sublingual course and through this course there would be fast assimilation of the medication. Henceforth, glyceryl trinitrate produces fast fall in the circulatory strain. Glyceryl trinitrate acts by denitration of the nitrates to deliver nitric oxide which is a vasodilator. Perindopril acts by repressing Angiotensin changing over protein and improves heart work. Metoprolol is specific 1 receptor adversary. Every one of these medications demonstration by various components and produce pulse bringing down activity. As these medications follows up on various objective, subsequently circulatory strain bringing down impact would be more. On the off chance that various medications follow up on a similar objective, there might be less odds of impressive pulse bringing due down to immersion of target. Henceforth, utilization of these dugs together can prompt hypotension (Bryant and Knights, 2011; Zhao et al., 2016). Attendant should assume a significant job in the executives of prescriptions in Fazio. Medical attendant ought to have data about the medications, give guidance for its utilization and sort out the organization of medications to Fazio. By uprightness of this medical caretaker can forestall dangers related with the organization drugs. Attendant should keep exact record of prescriptions which contains rundown of conventional and brand names of meds, portion, recurrence of organization, course of organization, dose of organization and reason for organization. Attendant should keep record of name, address and contact data of the all the medication suppliers. Attendant should keep record of the expiry dates of the considerable number of meds. Attendant should show name and phone number of medicine provider in the clinical unit of Fazio. Medical caretaker ought not oversee enoxaparin and headache medicine together in light of the fact that the two medications can overstate draining propert y of one another (Iijima and Shimosegawa, 2015). Attendant ought not oversee the two medications alongside other non-steroidal mitigating drugs and different anticoagulants. Enoxaparin ought not be controlled in patients with hypertension since hypertension misrepresent draining property of enoxaparin. Morevoer, Fazio has history of hypertension. Medical caretaker ought to likewise screen pulse of Fazio on booked time focuses. On the off chance that there is more decrease in circulatory strain, medical attendant can counsel specialist. With interview with specialist attendant can stop organization of any of the prescriptions or can lessen portion of the drugs (Yanagita and Kusanagi, 2016). For forestalling hypotension medical attendant should give appropriate directions to Fazio. Attendant should train him about prescription name, motivation behind its organization and its clinical impacts. In the event of metoprolol, perindopril and glyceryl trinitrate organization, attendant ought to explicitly instruct Fazio and his relatives about the antagonistic impacts of these meds. Attendant ought to enquire with him about his interests identified with these drugs. In the event that, Fazio is encountering hypotension, medical attendant ought to counsel specialist. With the discussion of specialist attendant should roll out required improvements in the meds. Attendant should keep record of medication utilization of Fazio. From this record medical attendant would come to know abundance organization of antihypertensive medications to Fazio which lessens circulatory strain (Ignatavicius and Workman, 2015). Medical caretaker ought to likewise screen pulse of Fazio on booked time fo cuses. Quiet investment is significant in drug the executives. On the off chance that patient have all the data about the impacts and symptoms of the drug, it would be simple for attendant to persuade Fazio to proceed or stop certain medicine. With the information taking drugs, Fazio can evaluate himself for impacts of meds and advise it to nurture. This would be useful for the medical attendant to make convenient move and forestall further difficulties. Because of this investment in prescription administration Fazio can educate nurture about the stock regarding drugs and request meds under oversight of medical attendant (Richard et al., 2016). Fazio can take drugs on booked time without nurture. In writing, it has been referenced that time imperative is the significant hindrance for attendant to investigate medication organization (Vogelsmeier et al., 2011). By joining of Fazio in medicine the board attendant can concentrate on different errands in giving nursing administrations to Fazio. With the information on nonexclusive names and exchange names, Fazio would not get mistook for change in exchange name of medication and would not be stressed over devouring incorrectly medicine (Lang et al., 2016). With joining of Fazio in medicine the executives, he would get chance to cooperate with various social insurance suppliers and find out about meds. By prudence of this, Fazio can utilize drug remedially and securely. Fazio may require expending prescriptions for long haul. In such case, Fazio ought to know about all the meds. Subsequently, he can take drugs all alone without assistance of human services supplier. Information taking drugs for understanding likewise assists with maintaining a strategic distance from readmission to the clinic. Inclusion of patients in prescription administration is likewise useful in improving the quality and security of drug the executives. Persistent instruction about the drugs is additionally useful in diminishing the medicine blunders. Attendants are helpless for drug mistake due taking care of various patients simultaneously. In such case patients can help them in rectification of blunder (Kinney, 2015; Tarn et al., 2012). Attendant should give consolation and backing to Fazio to improve his job in drug the executives. Attendant ought to get some information about prescription information. In view of the degree of information, attendant can offer data to Fazio about medicine the executives. Medical caretaker ought to solicit him names from drugs, activity of medication on specific side effect, symptoms, measurements and calendar of medications. By goodness of this attendant would get the data about the degree of his understandings about the clinical phrasings. On the off chance that he dont have a lot of information about the clinical wordings, medical caretaker should give him data in straightforward language (Tarn et al., 2013). Medical attendant ought to likewise utilize barely any photos and recordings to cause him to get activity and symptoms of medications. Attendant should reveal to him scarcely any accounts of in regards to drug blunders. These accounts ought to be from her involvement with the emergency clinic and she should give him records identified with the drug mistakes. By prudence of this Fazio, may comprehend the significance of drug the executives and attempt to include him in the medicine the board (McTier et al., 2015). Attendant ought to create trust relationship with Fazio to improve his association in drug the board. Medical caretaker ought to tune in to his inquiries cautiously and answer them in basic language. This would be contemptuous in building trust connection among medical attendant and Fazio. Fazio might be hesitant to take an interest in the medicine the executives. Medical caretaker should give him certainty that he can do it. This support by the attendant would help in improving ability of Fazio in gaining information about the prescription administration. Attendant should give data about the drug to his relatives too. His relatives can instruct him about meds in straightforward manner and furthermore they can help him in prescription administration. Attendant should likewise give reasonable condition to Fazio to find out about prescription administration (Tarn and Flocke, 2011). Attendant ought to examine with him about medicine the board in exceptionally loose and well disposed way. Medical caretaker ought to talk about with him at his bedside. Attendant ought to mastermind gatherings of Fazio with specialist, henceforth he would check out finding out about drugs. Medical caretaker ought to likewise urge him to take an interest in open conversation with specialist. Attendant should give Fazio instances of patients who took an interest in the drug the executives. This would be useful as motivation for Fazio to participate in drug the executives. Attendant should keep all the conversations identified with drug the executives Fazio focused and there ought to be coherence in these conversations. Three ought to be shared regard and acknowdgement among medical attendant and Fazio (Mixon et al., 2015). R
Friday, July 31, 2020
How Self-Conscious Emotions Affect BPD
How Self-Conscious Emotions Affect BPD BPD Print How Self-Conscious Emotions Affect BPD By Kristalyn Salters-Pedneault, PhD Kristalyn Salters-Pedneault, PhD, is a clinical psychologist and associate professor of psychology at Eastern Connecticut State University. Learn about our editorial policy Kristalyn Salters-Pedneault, PhD Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on August 05, 2016 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on May 29, 2019 Daniel Allan/Getty Images More in BPD Diagnosis Treatment Living With BPD Related Conditions If you have borderline personality disorder (BPD), self-conscious emotions can play a major role. Due to the disorder, feelings are intensified and can cause harmful reactions. Find out more about self-conscious emotions and how they impact your mental health. What Are Self-Conscious Emotions? While some emotions are considered basic emotions, meaning that they require little or no sense of self to experience or recognize, self-conscious emotions are related to our self-concept and an understanding of our relationship to other people and the larger community. For example, to experience the basic emotion fear, you only need to perceive something as threatening. But to experience a self-conscious emotion, such as guilt, you must have both a sense of self and an understanding of your behavior, such as recognizing when you did something wrong. The self-conscious emotions include both positive emotions like pride or confidence as well as negative emotions like shame or jealousy. Purpose Scientists believe that self-conscious emotions have an evolutionary basis. They help you survive by promoting social inclusion, such as helping you stay in the good graces of others. For example, when you express embarrassment after violating some social norm, the expression of that emotion helps you to repair relationships. For instance, if you have hurt a friend and apologize to her, your face may turn red and you may not be able to meet her eyes. Your friend will know how badly you feel and may be less angry with you. These feelings also probably help prevent you from violating social norms in the future. If you know you will feel guilty if you steal from someone, you are more likely to avoid that behavior altogether. Borderline Personality Disorder and Self-Conscious Emotions Research has shown that people with BPD are more likely to have unpleasant or negative self-conscious emotions. The cause of this is two-fold. Because BPD can cause you to experience more intense emotions and feelings of shame or guilt, this can cause inappropriate or destructive behaviors, such as sexual interactions or violence. These experiences also shape how people with BPD interpret behaviors. For instance, someone who has had an inappropriate sexual relationship will feel shame or guilt and may perceive a persons actions as predatory. This can cause them to react to that person aggressively, even if the other person is innocent. The link between BPD and self-conscious emotions can start a cycle of destruction, leading a person to self-harm or suicidal thoughts. If you feel you struggle with self-conscious emotions and you have borderline personality disorder, its important to talk about this with your therapist or health care provider. They can help you handle self-conscious emotions in a healthy way that doesnt harm yourself or others. By learning coping strategies, such as taking a break from the situation, you can process the emotions fully and establish whether or not your reaction is equal to what has actually happened. Your therapist will help you improve these skills so you can manage your illness and better maintain your relationships.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Does an Infant’s Temperament Shape His/Her Cognitive and...
In this paper I will explain how temperament shapes the cognitive, socio-emotional development. I will discuss various theories of human development, identify the social and emotional domains development and how they affect temperament. I will discuss the eight stages of socialization according to Eric Erikson, and the cultural perspectives of temperament. A person’s temperament, biology, environment, and even attachment to others can affect how social the individual is. Temperament is an important aspect of emotional development. Temperament is the pattern of arousal and emotionality that are consistent and enduring characteristics of an individual (Shriner B., Shriner M., 2014). We all have a temperament, and according to Eric†¦show more content†¦When she sees me smiling she smiles, if I frown she looks so sad it just makes me smile. As humans, we are social beings. However, some of us are more social than others. Research shows that temperament does seem to be related to genetics, but to what degree? Kagan (2008) argues that children are born with a physiology that makes them biased toward a particular type of temperament (Shriner B., Shriner M., (2014). An example of some being more social than others, me and my oldest son are very sociable people, while my youngest and my husband are not as sociable. I guess my genetic temperament was passed on to my oldest and my youngest son got his father’s genetic temperament that added to the social environment they were raised in, it was very diverse. I believe that temperament has a strong role in how we are as adults. Another example is, me and my siblings grew up in the same house, same values, rules etc†¦ yet we are like night and day. Our socialization process consists of eight phases. According to Eric Erikson they are Trust vs. Mistrust, Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt, Initiative vs. Guilt, Industry (competence) vs. Inferiority, Identity vs. Role Confusion, Intimacy vs. Isolation, Generativity vs. Stagnation, and Ego Integrity vs. Despair. They all occur at different stages in our life span. Trust vs. Mistrust- During this stage the infant is uncertain about the world in which theyShow MoreRelatedClient Presentation And Service Delivery10192 Words  | 41 PagesLife 6 Stages of Human Development 7 Physical Development†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦....8 Psychological Development Social Development Cognitive Development Affective Development Theories that Inform Community Services Practice 10 Attachment Theory Trauma Trauma Theory Identify Relevant Support for Clients 12 Outcomes Measurement Tools 15 ABAS-II – Adaptive Behaviour Assessment System The Griffith Mental Development Scales (GMDS) The Bayley Scales of Infant Development (Bayley-III) Sensory Profile
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Personal Statement The Financial Manager - 855 Words
Personal Statement It was when I received a task as the â€Å"financial manager†of my siblings at the age of ten that I became interested in the power of money. As the eldest child of the family, I was put in charge of managing my siblings’ monthly allowance, giving them the amount they need every week and save the rest for later. This act of my parents does not only taught me money managing, but also brought me enthusiasm towards monetary issues, making accounting my greatest passion since then. Over time it became clear to me that the people who understand the monetary and banking system are capable of understanding the decisions made by governments and the future of society. I want to be one of those people, and that strengthen my determination to pursue accountancy and finance in the future. I find it a blessing to be able to live in a diversified community like Malaysia, and being able to work together as a whole. Interaction with people from different cultural ba ckground and getting to know another culture first-hand had made teamwork with people from different cultural background easier. With the multicultural society in Australia together with the significant increase in the educational quality of Australian Universities for the past decades, it is confirmed that Australia is the best place to further my tertiary education. This decision is strengthened by my parents’ support as in their opinion, studying abroad enhances the value of my degree and in the meantime,Show MoreRelatedVarious Types Of Occupational Fraud962 Words  | 4 Pagesof occupational fraud (www.acfe.com). Occupational fraud is any scheme that involves employees taking cash, resources, or misapplies assets of the business for their personal gain (www.smartceo.com). Type I: Corruption Corruption is an intentional, dishonest act where an employee abuses their position in the company for personal gain (www.curtin.edu.au). 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Movies in american culture Free Essays
â€Å"Sweet Home Alabama†is a movie about Melanie Smooter played by Reese Witherspoon who is engaged to Andrew Hennings played by Patrick Dempsey and was out to go back to her hometown to divorce with her husband Jake Perry played by Josh Lucas. Melanie is a fashion designer who is with Patrick, a son of the mayor in New York. When Patrick asked Melanie to marry her, Melanie decided to go back to her hometown in Alabama to divorce with her husband Jake. We will write a custom essay sample on Movies in american culture or any similar topic only for you Order Now Jake didn’t give her what she wants and so she was trap for a wile in the town so as to insist Jake to finally sign the paper of divorce. The story started on a beach with two kids, a boy and a girl. That was Melanie and Jake running on the beach while it’s raining. Jake tells Melanie that he wanted to marry her and Melanie asked why. From that flashback scene comes the present time with Melanie being engaged with her boyfriend and about to face her past with Jake. It wasn’t easy for Melanie to convince Jake to sign the divorce paper. During her stay in Alabama, she had the chance to visit her family. Melanie soon realizes that a part of her was still on that place. And even if she tries to go on with her new life, there is unfinished business that she needs to settle. Going back to her hometown seems to be an awkward situation for Melanie, especially when she joins her high school friends and reminisced about their old days. Those scenes will provide the viewers a wide understanding of the movie and how the sequence relates to another one. There were less flashbacks but the film provides scenes that will give better understanding to the past where it is important to show how things happened after Melanie left Jake in Alabama and went to New York. As the film progresses, it clearly showed how a scene is related to another and its viewers will get to understand and appreciate the film more so. The film relates to us a story of a girl who found her new life outside her old hometown and forgets that she is still in that hometown whether she likes it or not. Melanie thinks she got everything she wished for but she didn’t realized that what he left in that hometown will give her more than what she needs in life. Jake on the other hand still loves Melanie and is man enough to accept that Melanie wanted to call everything quits. Jake strived hard to make a good living and Melanie didn’t realize that. A true love story that is romantic on its own, comedy and light. â€Å"Sweet Home Alabama†is a film that will teach us to appreciate what we had and to learn that it wont hurt us to look back on out past once in a while. Personally, I liked the movie because of its simple and natural attack to its viewers. It will make you relate yourself to the characters of the film and will make you think of a possible situation in your own life. The film thought me that no matter how decided we are on one thing that we thought could make us happy, there is a thing that lies around us that will make us realized how important it is to our life. Regardless of the fact that Melanie has already found her new life and love, she didn’t realize that she left something more valuable and important than any other things in her life and that is Jake. The film also showed us that there are mistakes that could be done right and that no matter how painful your past is, you will never erase the fact that it will always be a part of whom you are and what you have become. Nonetheless, the film provides us the understanding of how life gives us challenges that we can surpass. That sometimes even if we get out of the life we have and create a new one with others, we will still feel the need to go back to our old life and make it right. The film is beautifully made that is why I recommend this movie to be watched by other people. It showed the very meaning of love and it addresses to its viewer how love is sweeter the second time around. The film should be watched by young adults and as well as by the not so young and old people who is fond of romantic and comedy film. The characters of the film will surely make an impact to the life of its viewer and it will teach a good lesson in life. Indeed, the film gives us the chance to see a good story comes with a good cast of actors with remarkable acting skills. â€Å"Sweet Home Alabama†is a movie that I will not get tired of watching over and over again. It is a movie that will make you smile in the beginning from end. It is a movie with a taste of love, life and second chances put into one masterpiece that will satisfy its viewer to the end. Definitely, â€Å"Sweet Home Alabama†is a great movie to watch with your friends and/or special someone. Keep in mind to just enjoy watching the movie and try to create a story in your mind same as the movie for you to be able to relate your self more to the movie. But the movie is very easy to understand, you just need to take a good look of it and listen to the lines very well. Nevertheless, it is a movie that will share a wonderful life of success, share of pain and a happy ending that will make it even better for you to watch it again. References Sweet Home Alabama (2002). The Internet Movie Database. Retrieved November 26, 2007, from http://www.imdb.com. Sweet Home Alabama Facts. Movies.Com. Retrieved November 26, 2007, from http://movies.go.com How to cite Movies in american culture, Essay examples
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
The Case Involved Mechelle Vinson free essay sample
I. Summary of the Case The case involved Mechelle Vinson, respondent, who brought an action against Sidney Taylor, a vice president and branch manager of Meritor Savings Bank, and the bank. She claimed that during her four years at the bank, she had been constantly subjected to sexual harassment by Taylor in violation of Title VII. She testified to over 40 instances of sexual favors successfully sought by Taylor from 1974 to 1977. Yet, these activities ceased after she started going with a steady boyfriend. However, Taylor denied the allegations of sexual activity. He contended instead that respondent made her accusations in response to a business related dispute. Additionally, the bank also denied the respondent’s allegations and asserted that any sexual harassment by Taylor was unknown to the bank and engaged in without its consent or approval. Although, the district court denied relief, finding in part: If Ms. Vinson and Taylor did engage in an intimate or sexual relationship during the time of her employment with the bank, that relationship was a voluntary one having nothing to do with her continued employment and her advancement or promotions at that institution. We will write a custom essay sample on The Case Involved Mechelle Vinson or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page But the court of appeals reversed the district court. The Supreme Court granted certiorari (Twomey, p428). Certiorari is an appellate proceeding for reexamination of an action or judgment of a lower court. It usually requires the lower court to certify and return its records to the reviewing court (Twomey; p 770). II. Case Question 1 Is the fact that the sex-related conduct by an employee and her supervisor was â€Å"voluntary†a defense to a sexual harassment charge? According to the article, while â€Å"voluntaries†in the sense of consent is not a defense to such a claim, it does not follow that a complainant’s sexually provocative speech or dress is irrelevant as a matter of law in determining whether he or she found particular sexual advances unwelcome. The correct inquiry is whether respondent by His or her conduct indicated that the alleged sexual advances were unwelcome, not whether her actual participation in sexual intercourse was voluntary (Twomey. P429). III. Case Question 2 Was it proper for a trial court to consider evidence of sexually provocative speech or dress on the part of the complainant in a sexual harassment suit? I agree with the Supreme Court regarding this issue in which they stated â€Å"that the testimony about respondent’s â€Å"dress and personal fantasies,†which the District Court apparently admitted into evidence, had no place in this litigation. †Would we submit the dress and fantasies of a prostitute into a sex assault case? If the defense is alleging that the dress of the prostitute was a result of a man rapping a woman. Of course not, so why should we should allow it in this case. IV. Case Question 3 Did Taylor in fact make unwelcome sexual advances to Vinson? The burden of proof lies between Ms. Vinson and Taylor. As a manager you would want to stir clear of any inner office dating, because of such allegations. Just look at today’s media headlines with cases from Sports Commentaries to Comedians such as David Letterman. The text books states while the question whether particular conduct was indeed unwelcome presents difficult problems of proof and turns largely on credibility determinations committed to the truth of fact, the District Court in this case erroneously focused on the â€Å"voluntaries†of respondent’s participation in the claimed sexual episodes. The correct inquiry is whether respondent by her conduct indicated that the alleged sexual advances were unwelcome, not whether her actual participation in sexual intercourse was voluntary (Twomey. P429). One area that the court would want to check for burden of proof, did Ms. Vinson voice her complaints to the bank. V. Case Question 4 What was wrong with the bank’s nondiscrimination policy and grievance procedure? Communication was the problem. The bank’s top management should have addressed the employees with an open door policy or open line of communication to them. Additionally, the bank’s training program did not address this issue. In an area where common sense should prevail, this is the area in which companies should communicate and address issue such work place dating and sexual harassment. According to the text book, the Petitioner’s general nondiscrimination policy did not address sexual harassment in particular, and thus did not alert employees to their employer’s interest in correcting that form of discrimination. Moreover, the bank’s grievance procedure apparently required an employee to complain first to her supervisor, in this case Taylor. Since Taylor was the alleged perpetrator, it is not altogether surprising that respondent failed to invoke the procedure and report her grievance to him. Petitioner’s contention that respondent’s failure should insulate it from liability might be substantially stronger if its procedures were better calculated to encourage victims of harassment to come forward. Reference Page †¢Twomey. Labor and Employment Law: Text Cases, 14th Edition. South-Western/CourseSmart, 02/25/2009. 430).
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